The village of Brushford is approximately 2 miles south of Dulverton on the southern edge of Exmoor National Park.
On our website you will find information on our facilities, and our regular community events. Our facilities are open for bookings by groups and clubs for keep fit, sports, art and other club functions, private individuals for parties and wedding receptions and by organisations for corporate events. If you have any questions, please do contact us via the Contact Us form.
Also in these pages you will find the details of regular events, community groups, keep fit clubs etc. together with our monthly scheduled special events. Please do take a look at these pages and if you have any queries about the clubs you can contact the organisers via the Clubs & Groups enquiry form. All events and clubs are open to everyone, not just residents living within the Parish. We very much hope to meet you at one of our events.
Our statutory health & safety and legal policies and procedures are also published on this site as well as papers relating to meetings of the Trustees.
All the events are run by volunteers from within the community. People volunteer as much or as little of their time or expertise as they want to. There are no expectations, so if you feel that you would like to donate some time or skills to help maintain the hall or to help at our events then we would love to hear from you, so please Contact Us.